MyBB is one seriously popular type of open-source forum software. However, even a popular tool can contain bugs or even bug chains that can lead to the compromise of an entire system. In this article, we’ll go over one such chain that we found.
Visual editor persistent XSS
CVE-2022-43707 (HIGH RISK)
Some time ago, my colleague Igor Sak-Sakovskiy published an article: Fuzzing for XSS via nested parsers condition. In it, he gives multiple examples of XSS attacks, one of which is in MyBB. The payload given by Igor has been fixed by the MyBB team in version 1.8.25. But I didn’t stop there — I went ahead and started fuzzing the fix!
Firstly, a registered user with low privileges edits his signature in the settings. The following payload is inserted into the editor in the “View Source” mode:
[email][email= onpointerover=alert()//]text[/email]

After updating the signature, the link has a new onpointerover
event handler with the value alert();//
. When you hover over the rendered text with the mouse cursor, the embedded JavaScript code is executed.

Therefore, if a user belonging to the “Moderator” or “Administrator” group enters the profile of the user who implemented the above payload in the signatures section, then, when that user hovers over the rendered text with the mouse cursor, the embedded JavaScript code will also be executed.

ACP User SQL Injection
CVE-2022-43709 (MEDIUM RISK)
A user who is in the “Administrator” group has the ability to perform an SQL Injection when searching for users via Admin CP: /admin/index.php?module=user-users&action=search
By default, custom fields are vulnerable to an SQL Injection: Location, Bio, Gender

To demonstrate the vulnerability, a search will be performed on the custom Bio field. To do this, a user needs to add text to the custom Bio field in order for the search to return at least one record.
Here the value My biography is added to the custom Bio field for the user who is in the “Administrator” group.

A request is made to search for users by the custom field Bio with the value My biography, which is intercepted using a proxy, for example, BurpSuite.

The user search query is intercepted by the custom Bio field.

A vulnerable place for an SQL Injection is the key of the profile_fields
profile_fields[fid2]=My biography
If you add a single quotation mark after fid2
, the server returns the error “HTTP/1.1 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable“.

The SQL Injection occurred due to the fact that the data transmitted from the user is not fully controlled/escaped. The root of the problem is the file admin/modules/user/users.php
, namely how the value of the $column
variable is handled. The value of this $column
variable should either be framed with double quotes or checked for a valid value.

Due to the lack of checking which values of the $column
variable are allowed, it is possible to implement the SQL Injection with the condition that special characters will not be used, which will be escaped by the $db->escape_string
' AND '.$db->escape_string($column)."
A payload for the SQL Injection that delays query execution by 5 seconds:
profile_fields[(select pg_sleep(5))::text = $quote$$quote$ and fid2]=My biography

Remote code execution via SQL injection
With the help of the SQL Injection found, it is possible to escalate the problem. This will happen if a Database Engine that supports multiple queries is selected when installing MyBB.
During installation, it is necessary to select, for example, PostgreSQL.

When using the PostgreSQL database engine, the SQL Injection found will be executed via the native pg_send_query
function in the file inc/db_pgsql.php

According to the official PHP documentation, the pg_send_query
function can execute multiple queries at a time.

Now let’s talk about how to create and edit templates in MyBB.

The image above shows editing form of the template member_profile_signature.
When creating or editing a template, it is also possible to insert variable values, for example, {$lang→users_signature}
, {$memprofile['signature']}
The template is saved in the database in the mybb_templates
table. In this case, the edited template member_profile_signature has tid
= 240.

In the file member.php
, the template member_profile_signature
is taken from the database in line 2158 and passed to the eval

One might think that when creating/editing a template, the construction ";${system('id')}
may be injected in the eval function (line 2158 of member.php) and will represent a separate instruction that will also be executed.
However, this is not possible. Before saving the template in the database, the check_template
function will be called in admin/modules/style/templates.php
on line 536.

The purpose of the check_template
function is to check the template passed by the user for the presence of structures that allow arbitrary code to be executed in the system through the eval

function is a sandbox that protects against the introduction of dangerous constructions in the templateIf the check_template
function finds a dangerous construction when checking, it returns true and a saving error occurs.

function is a security errorIf you manage to somehow embed the construction ";${system('id')}
into the template, bypassing the check_template function, you will be able to execute arbitrary code on the server.
Now we go back to the SQL Injection found in MyBB, which uses PostgreSQL with the ability to conduct multi-queries. Using single or double quotes during SQL Injection will lead to their escaping:
' AND '.$db->escape_string($column)."
The SQL query that will rewrite the required construct to the member_profile_signature template without using single quotes:
update mybb_templates set template = (select concat((select template from mybb_templates mt where mt.tid = 240),(select CHR(34)||CHR(59)||CHR(36)||CHR(123)||CHR(115)||CHR(121)||CHR(115)||CHR(116)||CHR(101)||CHR(109)||CHR(40)||CHR(39)||CHR(105)||CHR(100)||CHR(39)||CHR(41)||CHR(125)))) where tid = 240;
Then, the final SQL Injection will have the form that will lead to the execution of arbitrary code in the system.

The result will be the execution of the system('id')

Vulnerability fixes can be found on the official website of MyBB.
To sum up
I’d like to thank the team at MyBB for fixing the vulnerabilities quickly. As for users, I recommend that they update their software as soon as possible.